We are seeking a DBA/Database Developer to work on our W2 from anywhere in the US assisting our Huntsville, Texas client's efforts migrating DB2 data to Microsoft SQL Server in the Azure environment. You will ll be responsible for maintaining Microsoft databases for all needs for operation of our client's primary database.

You  will be involved with our client's migration from DB2 to SQL, and the ongoing sync between their legacy data source and their new application. The legacy data source is Azure SQL, and the new system is PowerPlatform CDS/Dataverse. There will be a bidirectional sync between these two data sources. This DBA position should be versed in data type conversions that need to occur between the two systems, familiar with managing collisions that may occur in a dual data source system and generally help manage this setup.

There is also an ongoing support need for our client's distributed applications. These systems are typically updated on a batch basis and will be impacted by the migration.

What specific software do you need to know?

  • SQL Server Management Studio
  • Azure Data Studio
  • Azure service bus
  • SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)
  • Azure experience across VM's and on-premises SQL Servers

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